Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Question: what is this Beta distribution?

Good question.

The Beta distribution is a curve which enables us to identify the optimistic, most likely and pessimistic times, and calulcate the expected time.  If the distribution is skewed (leans more to one side than another) this will have the effect of moving the expected value from the most likely time nearer to the optimistic or pessimistic time.  If the calculation of the expected time is different from the most likely time, this will have an impact on the duration of an activity, and may change the critical path.

Beta distribution and how it is used

Week 9 - more planning tools

This week we will look at some additional tools and techniques available to the project manager, including PERT calculations, Gantt charts, resource allocation and containment calculations as part of dealing with risk.

The slides are in the Tools and Techniques tab (as PDF files and videos).

There are past exam questions as seminar exercises.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Week 8 - Planning tools and techniques

This week we will finish off the planning stage, and then start looking at planning tools and techniques.  This section will last for a couple of weeks.  We will start by looking at network diagrams and critical path analysis.

The slides are in the Tools and techniques tab as PDF files and videos.

There are past exam questions as seminar exercises.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Week 7 - risk analysis in the university

This week we are fortunate to have Sean Connolly, Director of the Strategic Programme Office, as our guest speaker.  Sean will be giving a presentation about how risk is identified and managed within the university, and using real examples to illustrate his talk.  There will be an opportunity to discuss the issues, and consider alternative approaches to dealing with risk.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Week 6 - planning stage

This week we will be looking at the planning stage of the project life cycle.

Why do we need to plan?  How do we plan?

We will look at SMART objectives and consider Work Breakdown Structure in more detail.

The slides are available in the Project Life Cycle tab.