Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Week 12 - Implementation Stage

This week we will consider the implementation stage of the project life cycle, which means will will be thinking about putting our plan into action, and monitoring progress to make sure everything goes "according to plan"...

We will examine some techniques to check progress on our project, using Gantt charts and earned value.

The slides are in the  Implementation tab.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Weeks 10 and 11

In weeks 10 and 11 we will look at teams.  

One of the responsibilities of a project manager is to organise and co-ordinate the work of a team, so we will consider different team structures, team roles as identified and described by Belbin and Handy, and the life cycle of a project team in week 10.  

In the following week, we will consider management styles, motivation and factors identified as contributing to happiness at work (based on an independent survey).

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Coursework queries

If you have any questions about the coursework, please submit them as comments here.
